11 tips and monetization tips for Best About Us in 2019

According to Blue Acorn, those who have visited a website through us are five times more likely to make a purchase. They even spent 22.5% more than those who did not visit the "About Us" page during their visit. Our pages help your customers better understand who your brand is and help them gain their trust. This could be the reason why they spent more.

According to KoMarketing, 52% of website visitors expect that the company's page about us can be found on their homepage. About us Pages help you to introduce your brand to your customers. You can share your mission and show off your team to humanize your brand and bring your similar values ​​into harmony.

Customers want to see who they are in their brand to build a deep, emotional connection to their brand. Some of the best brands not only know who they are, but they also reflect and represent their market.

Example page: Estee Lauder uses vintage images to tell his brand story. The vintage images underline that the brand is established and has existed for a long time, giving it more credibility. They contain links to various pages where customers can learn more about the founder of Estee Lauder, the personal story of inspiration for launching the brand, and much more.

What makes Estee Lauder different from most other stores is the fact that they include a section on how to buy the story, where customers can put three popular products in their shopping cart, which are featured in the story. By monetizing their About Us page, they are increasing their chances of increasing sales.

About us Tips for page design:

Focus on the why. Why did you start the brand? Why are you selling the products you sell? Simon Sinek said: "People do not buy what you do, they buy, why you do it." 

Their Why can help you build a relationship with your customers If you are passionate about the same niche as you are, the higher probability that they relate to you and your brand, which increases the probability of purchase.

Humanize your page about us. Add pictures of you or your team. Make your site about us your customer and include it in your page - tell us why you appreciate it. Share personal stories about why you are passionate about your branch network to connect with your customers.

Add a mission statement. In essence, your mission statement explains why you do what you do. In a short and sweet explanation, you can explain what your brand stands for.

Many top brands add a product page link or product links directly to their homepage. Since most of the visitors to the About Us page are likely to convert, adding a link to a product collection can make it easier to get into your sales funnel while optimizing your page.

Imogene + Willie tells the story of their brand on their side about us. It humanizes the brand by focusing on the relationship between the founders. It's about how the two met, went their separate ways, finally got together, fell in love and built their brand. 

As your brand becomes more popular, you may find your customers' curiosity about the founders. Giving customers insights into your person can strengthen customer relationships. People build relationships with people. No brands.

Mahabis monetizes the About Us page by adding "Buy Now" buttons throughout the page. The button is vibrant and attention-grabbing. If you want to go back to the product page and implement it, go one step further. 

for example, if you see an image of your product in the image, you can navigate to the exact product page with the Buy Now button instead of a collection. Or move the customer directly to the shopping cart with the article already added.

Spy Guy sells products in an industry that can be considered unethical. They sell products so you can spy on people. However, on their About Us page, they explain who their target audience is, why they buy these products, and why they should buy them from their brand. The About Us page helps customers make purchases by explaining the need for products in their business.

Avoid the text wall. This means that you're About Us page should not be a long-form copy. Add pictures. Integrate some design elements. Facilitate reading or browsing. Store visitors should not spend more time on your site than on a product or collection page. Give them enough information to boost customer confidence. But not so much that they feel like reading a novel.
Think about the design elements. Some brands contain timelines, other graphics that match the company's branding. Browse through some of your favorite online stores. How do you present your pages about us? What do your pages look like? Use similar features if this makes sense for your brand. On your page about us must be specified who your brand is. The visual components are as important as the written ones.
Your page about us need not be limited to your corporate biography or corporate mission statement. You can also include images of customers who carry your products, the press you have received, job postings for your business, where your products are made, who your team is and how you can connect with them, and much more.
About us Page Tool:
Buy button: With Shopify, you can embed the Buy button on any website or blog. You can also use it on the pages of your own website. You can monetize your page with information about us by adding the Buy button to your top-selling products. 

I would recommend adding three of your most powerful products on this page. Having a lot more can make it more difficult for a customer to make the decision. If you've already made some sales, check your data under "Reports" in your Shopify store to find your best-selling products.

Shogun: With this Shopify app you can drag and drop different elements for different pages in your online store. With this tool, you can redesign your're About us page instead of having a plain white page.

About us Resources:
Topless "How to Create the Best Information Page" describes the best tactics you should use on the information page about us in your store. It shows examples of what top brands do on their pages about us. You will learn how important design, vision or mission statements are and what entertaining ideas you can add to your website to highlight your page about us.
Oberlo's "Best About Us & Shipping Information" page templates describe the text that you can use as a starting point for your About Us page. You can change the copy at any time. It will help you to find some ideas of what you can say about us on your site.
Hubspot's 10-page "About Us" example, which is better than your example, contains a mix of "About Us" page styles for various brands. You can use these examples of page design created by us as inspiration.


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