Blog Monetization Methods: Two Main Ways to Monetize Online

By:  Bilal kamal     Topics:  Web Traffic,Online Earning,   More Post About:   Blogging,SEO,Content Writing                 

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It's a journey to monetize every website. It is unrealistic to expect that you can change your website at once and provide the best results. The best way to monetize your blog is to focus on helping people.

For example, let's use a photo blog. People visit blogs because they want to be better photographers. In order for someone to visit this blog, you need to provide classes, motivation, inspiration, etc. Now it's the same when monetizing your website. Readers want a better way to improve their photos with better equipment or more training. There is a chance to make money.

If readers want a better camera or better equipment, they can promote other company products and earn commissions.

If your readers want better or more advanced training, they can promote other blogger products, or even build and sell their own.

I think the best websites are websites that don't even know how to make money. In other words, you won't see any visible ads. Monetization doesn't have to be obvious. In fact, the conversion is best if no one knows.

I'll let you know why you don't actually sell ads.

    Continually add / edit / delete advertisers
    Advertising is often ugly and far from the user experience.
    Lower search engine rankings and increase bounce rate
    the most important thing is… You will make less money!

Selling ads to us is not worth it.

Over the years, we have tried dozens of ways to make money from blogs by making money and by experience, and it is divided into two categories.

Monetize Affiliate Marketing


Making money by selling our own products.

Below we'll talk more about the two techniques with details on how to use them in IncomeDiary.
How to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing
Find affiliate products to promote

It's easy to find real products to promote, such as cameras and equipment, while maintaining your photography theme. Almost all photo-related products can be found on Amazon, and Amazon has its own affiliate network called Amazon Associates. In other words, when you sell a product on Amazon, you receive a sales fee.

For other products you want to promote as an affiliate, you usually visit the website and scroll down to see if you can find a link to the affiliate page. If you don't see it, visit the Google website name + affiliate. At least if something not unusual in my experience, I will simply find something else.

To get inspiration for what you're promoting, you can check out which products you're promoting on a competitor's website, or try an affiliate marketplace like Commission Junction, where 1000 different companies integrate with their services.

Promote affiliate products on your blog

This is where many people go wrong. They simply add couple affiliate offers to your blog and cross your fingers hoping someone scams from them. There is so much more than that!

First, it's a good idea to check if some of the links on your website can be updated with affiliate links if you already have traffic.

What we did was we could track the outgoing link with Google Analytic s and then see which link is getting the most clicks. This change increased our annual income by approximately $ 50,000.

Promote your products

Because people who use the service or product can actively see the user. For example, Income Diary recommends hosting companies, domain registrars, and blog themes we use. Using the photo gap again as an example, we can recommend your camera, lens, camera back, memory card, etc.

I often go to blogs and learn something from the author. It is natural to want to imitate their success by doing what they do.

“I use this too.”

Recommended eBook promotions

I found two things that change really well for us. The first is 'offer' below.

In the past, I used the banner provided by the affiliate manager and actually a nice box was designed, but this clean and simple box with a green stop sign was the highest.

Perhaps it looks similar to the content, so it's advertising.

I would like to promote two suggestions in the box, one low price and one high price. Luckily for the higher priced offer presented above, I was able to get a $ 1 trial and saw the conversion go higher. (Top Tip: If you are promoting a higher priced offer-try a special rate or referral offer to get people interested in the action.)

The second best conversion is to add a text ad at the top of the list post, like the Top Earning Bloggers post. “Do you want to follow the footprint? Check out this product ”. This works because readers are motivated and inspired when they read posts and want to see themselves on this list someday.

Comparison and Resources Page

This page is usually used to reinforce what I have already recommended. People love the element of choice, but in practice, one product is usually better than the other.

When comparing this product with the competition, you need to show how good the quality of the product is and give the reader the confidence to continue buying. If they do not follow your recommendation and choose another product, it is also an affiliate link, so you can make money.

You can see an example of this on the Create Website page.

Special Note: It's also ok to make a comparison that doesn't cost you a fee. Visitors, especially more 'Internet Marketing Awareness' visitors, have an 'unofficial' approach if they are gaining authentic and trustworthy.

Post content that mentions affiliate products

I started making more and more money by testing other affiliate offers. There are three main types of blog posts that make money. They are interviews, guides and reviews.

I will point out the advantages of each below.

How to make money in an interview:

One of the best ways to earn money to promote your product through an interview is to prepare for the interview when the product is released. Why? Well, if the product has just been released, no one has bought it, which increases its chances of selling.

In addition to this product, anyone interested in the product will find more information about Google and social media, and if your post comes up, they will visit your site and hopefully visit you.

It's a good idea to do an interview over the phone (using Skype) and record and record your calls. Then add calls to the site with MP3 / Podcast and add recordings for those who prefer to read rather than listen. (Warriors also offer a lot of valuable search engine content). When conducting an interview, you can review the products being interviewed and ask questions. Then, at the end of the interview, you want a mini-review of the product and add a reason why visitors should buy it.

In general, interviews usually only affect the strategy used by the interviewee, but if done correctly, the listener / reader will want more. It's time to promote the products being interviewed as a way for followers to learn more. Depending on the audience and the product being interviewed, you can easily get away with dozens of sales and ongoing future sales, depending on how often future readers find your interview.

Making Money From Publishing Guide

Another tactic I use is to make a ‘how to’ or guide post.

It provides great content that really helps readers and promotes affiliate products at the same time. Visitors can see if they use the product, so they can decide whether it's for a product or not, and those who know that they're promoting affiliate products don't have to worry because they're giving free help.

Very important: very important. Spend time on how to create or publish good content. Despite what some experts are trying to suggest (there is no free money) – you should try to deliver real value to your readers. Doing so will lead your money through affiliate sales. It is often the case that bloggers make a 'half effort' in creating a guide. To be honest, it might not interfere with what it is trying to do. Readers know what you are talking about and know if you are passionate about it.

Making Money From Review Post

If you post correctly, almost any post can be a partial review post. This is an important part. No one will pay attention to your review posts unless they respect you, trust you, and have intimacy with you. In other words, they feel you can be trusted. As mentioned in the previous post, why pages like ABOUT PAGE and MY STORY PAGE are important.

In order to build such trust and relationships, you must first provide good, valuable content. Readers often say that they can't believe the amount of good content they offer for free. It is much more likely to build relationships and sell your referrals.

Use email marketing to drive traffic to affiliate sales

Email marketing is often thought of as a monetization technology. But it's actually a traffic source. Send traffic wherever you want. And it is good

Getting people to subscribe to your email list is probably the most profitable thing you can do on a blog. This is especially helpful for readers if they follow up on good quality emails.

If you ask a big internet marketer, one of the main things they have to tell you is that they wanted to make a list before. Doing the right thing in the sense of delivering quality information first, rather than a large amount of spammy products, than e-mail marketing on a strong followers list is almost like printing money online.

I'll tell you how the email marketing funnel works.
The opt-in box is displayed via the website, for which we offer a special free gift to encourage people to sign up. It also adds a well-designed eCover to give more value to this free product.

63.9% of IncomeDiary's email subscribers are from pop-ups. Add popups to your website via OptiMonk! The second best way to get subscribers is to use the opt-in box at the bottom of your blog post, but this is much lower than the popup.

It is best to first focus on these two techniques. Here is a good post on how to get an email subscriber.

2. Visitors subscribe to your email list.

3. Email subscribers when you have new blog posts or find quality suggestions related to niche markets. Sometimes this way you can earn thousands of dollars with one mailing.

We use and recommend AWeber for email marketing and autoresponder software. If you order today, you'll get only $ 1 for your first month. In addition to AWeber, you can consider iContact. (This gives me a choice, I will earn either)

Additional Email Marketing Monetization Tips:

When someone joins your list, they usually offer some kind of incentive, such as a free e-book or some sort of education. This should monetize affiliate products and make you want more training in the products you sell.

Be sure to save all well-converted emails and add them to your auto responder list so that new subscribers automatically receive the highest conversion offers.
Increase conversions

The following seems small, but be careful, as the increase in conversions can be up to 1000% in some cases.

Request Coupon Code

Most companies offer the ability to generate custom coupon codes, so you can ask for them. Coupons can make a big difference, like trial offers or free offers, which can help increase your conversion rate. People like to think that they are doing a good deal.

Special offer request

Some of my best conversion affiliate links are well converted due to the special offers they can offer to their readers. For example, a $ 1 trial or bonus offer only available to readers.

Request higher commission rates

If you're doing something good when promoting your product, you'll get better commission rates. If it's a digital product you're promoting, each customer's seller's cost is very low and you'll earn almost 100%. So they can offer more than 50% commission and often prepare because earning is the result of very little work.

Some product owners are ready to offer a 100% commission because they not only make money on the first sale, but also forget the ability to email the promotion with future sales.
How to monetize your blog by creating and selling your own digital products
Make brainstorm products

It's easy to make a product often. If you are doing a good job, you should say what your readers want.

If you like the idea, take a look at the most popular posts and ask yourself, can you build a product around one of these articles? Not only has this theme proved popular with you, it already has a traffic source for sale.

Here is a list of the different types of products made by bloggers.

    EBook (Traffic Control)
    Checklist (with most traffic from 110 blog post headlines)
    Service (blogging service complete)
    Consulting (talk about how to improve your blog)
    Member website (8 week training course for first product launch)
    Software (Pop-Up Domination)

Create product

Now, let's say you are teaching something and creating a digital product. And try to offer it as eBook or membership website. First of all, it is a good idea to make an outline of everything you want to teach.

Now decide whether you want to serve as text, video, or both.

It's simple if you want to provide it as text. Just convert it to a PDF and download the purchase link to your customers.

To create a member site, you need to download the member website software and install it on your blog. Now this can be very simple, but depending on your level of abilities, you may need to hire a developer. If you provide training in the form of a video, upload it to AmazonS3 and insert the video into your site.

If that's the software product you plan to make, just in case beyond your mind. You need to find a good developer and see if you have a budget to see the project. If you don't plan your product properly, it can cost you much more than you expect!
Sell ​​your own products

You need to plan this in two main ways through your own website / mailing list and affiliates.

Let's start with what to do on your own website.

First of all, you need to make the reader aware of what is coming. You want them to be excited. You want to buy a second they will sell.

We launched the product once and even two people found and bought a sales page before they announced it was on sale. The following 98 customers signed up in 100 minutes

Because you sold your audience ahead of time. Not only this, we added scarcity. We told everyone that we would only sell 100 accounts on the first day. So they had to be fast!

To start selling you need three things:

    Landing page (page dedicated to product sales).
    Merchant account. (Use stripe and paypal).
    Billing page software.

The reader visits the landing page, clicks the buy button, then goes through the payment page process and pays through the merchant account.

Then when you pay, the download page opens or you receive an email with a link to download the product.

Affiliate Acquisition for Product Promotion

You can earn more money from affiliates who promote your products than you sell them directly.

When you start doing this, your interest in blogs will be your business, not your blog. Assets, multiple sources of income.

People often think why making a blog is bothersome if making money is made by making a product. A blog gives you credibility, authority. Without a blog, it would be much harder to sell your product and understand your industry. At least this is our experience.

Action Today

Two best strategies to monetize your blog or website.

If you can take only 3 things from this post, I hope this will be:

1.I was able to significantly increase the daily email opt-in rate (304% +) using pop-up opt-in. I hope to use it sooner. Add popups to your website via OptiMonk!

2. A test that promotes another product, one product that I promote, sells all other products at least 20-to-1. I didn't know if I didn't convert the promotion on my site.

3. Ask! We're always asking for affiliate managers for free trials, coupon codes, and various landing pages, which keeps increasing conversions and sales. At least try to help you.

good luck!


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