5 Secrets to Writing 2 Million Best-Selling Books!

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How To Write A Best Selling Books 

Many successful bloggers dream of writing the best-selling book ever.

A book that will affect millions of lives!

In this article, best-selling author Jerry Gillies reveals his personal secret about how to write a best-selling book.

Jerry wrote the best-selling MONEYLOVE with more than 2 million sales in 1978, the day before the internet and Amazon.

When the book could not be deceived in the 'best seller' list.

Special Note: If you want to be a best-selling writer or publish a book – you will want to learn from the world's best writers of this Writing MasterClass, including Malcolm Gladwell

5 secrets to help you do the same with your best-selling book How poverty has gone from prosperity

Jerry Gillies

I do not declare that I am a smarter or better writer than you.

In fact, I am sure you are in a better financial position than now.

But two things led to my success:

Overwhelming belief that I deserve to say.
I am willing to abandon everything else in my life, including income, and willing to write all my energy and attention.
I was barely getting it after moving to Miami after finishing work as a broadcast reporter in New York. Then Moneylove came out and hundreds of thousands of dollars began to pour. This is not a unique or unusual story. Many writers have seen their fortunes improve significantly following their first best-selling book. [Moneylove 3.0 available]

In fact, there are few single events that can build cash, broader perceptions and legacy than putting books on the New York Times bestseller list. Being able to call yourself a best-selling writer is not difficult to achieve, but it is a reputable person and an Academy Award-winning actor or Nobel laureate.

** Meet the world's best writers in this writing master class. **

In the process of moving from poverty to prosperity, I became a best-selling writer for 30 years and found out that I know many writers better than me. Here are 7 secrets, concepts, and strategies that have generated 2 million units in Money Love.

How to Write a Best Selling Book Secret # 1:

The company you keep ...

Most people have heard of this or a variation: 'You are the average of five people who have spent the most time together.'

Before Moneylove, I wrote a book called FRIENDS – The Company's Power and Potential.

In that book I focused on the importance of a happy and successful life having what is called a “supportive interpersonal environment”.

Every writer needs encouragement and praise, so people around him must be able to provide these benefits. In particular, you should include the author with your friends. And if possible, writers who are more published and successful than you.

It is a big thing not to hear too much. Instead, the writer is mainly lonely and hears about what is isolated and cannot be mentored and supported. This is basically a big lie.

Most writers defend themselves a lot, or they won't write much. But fortunately I came across the fact that there are many best-selling writers in many specific places, which are very friendly and accessible. Knowing the best-selling authors makes us aware that we are ordinary people, and they go very well together when we get together.

Best-selling millionaire writers are better suited as novice writers who earn the minimum wage while writing their books as waiters rather than bank tycoons or millions of builders.

** Meet the world's best writers in this writing master class. **

Best-selling writer – where are you? How do you reach them?

When we interviewed on NBC Radio in New York, we talked with best-selling writers, but we didn't have a chance to stay in the company until joining and working with the Human Lick Psychological Association. Many of them. One of the surprising facts I found was that I was treated with the same welcome energy and respect before writing my first book, as when Moneylove's sales began to reach 1 million wealth. And the lectures and workshops at the AHP Convention were interesting and provided a lot of material for future books.

Next, thanks to Mark Victor Hansen. Then at the Santa Barbara Writers' Meeting, I got to know people like Ray Bradbury and Rita Mae Brown.

Finally, the famous Candlefield support [Master Mind] Inside Edge was helped by Jack Canfield, Lewis Hay, Wayne Dyer, Norman Cousins, myself and Susan Jeffers.

There is not enough room in this article to list all the advantages that go with other authors.

The strategy you can explore is to get in touch with successful writers to see if you are attending a writer's meeting or other professional association, and if possible, to find out if you want to meet you for a chat.

Of course, if there are best-selling writers in the city, you can contact them to request a personal interview. As a former journalist, I used this method from time to time and asked my favorite writer if I could interview for an article or newsletter. Now we have a blog for that purpose. No matter how rich, famous and busy a best-selling writer is, he won't reject a new writer who wants to spend a few minutes with them.

A perfect example of this is the writing of two of the best-selling authors in human history. It is also an old friend dating back 30 years before even writing or thinking of the first book of the best-selling series Soul Chicken Soup Series for 20 years.

When I interviewed NBC, I first met Jack Canfield. Mark Victor Hansen and I wrote a great note by a friend how much Moneylove gave him and helped him become a prosperity teacher. They were impressed with the success of Moneylove.

Chicken Soup for 225 Soul Books, which sold 5 billion copies in 47 languages, is a collection of short stories from teachers, workshop leaders and ordinary people. Some of them are fun. Some are sad. But they all have an uplifted message. Over the years, he has written five stories about three books.

I think Jack and Mark would have been surprised when we first talked about this first chicken soup book. Second, and perhaps even greater surprise-they didn't start planning this kind of book exactly for the stories of most ordinary people.

Here is the chicken soup for the soul story.

Shortly after meeting Mark Victor Hansen, he was invited as a guest to the National Speakers Association annual meeting in New Orleans that year. I did not know the group's professional speakers, so I was happy to know how many people know me through Moneylove. This includes people like Zig Ziglar and Denis Waitley and Og Mandino. I became a member, told Jack Canfield about the group, and thought he would enjoy the group and get real value as a member.

One of the best benefits of seeing all the great speakers in one place, and seeing and hearing each other's conversations for days, is that we can hear the best stories. Jack and Mark and I talked about the fact that all the talkers told at least one killer story when the conversation was over.

It was an interesting, inspiring or exciting story, sometimes all three.

I don't know which of us thought first, but we began to talk with all these speakers and collect killer stories.

Jack and Mark started this idea by participating in other things, mainly traveling abroad and workshops. There was a problem that provided a useful lesson for every author.

The lesson is:

Many of the most famous and successful speakers have been reluctant to be more widely distributed in the book because of the many powerful closing stories used by their audience throughout the year. Also, some of them were the type of stories that should be heard with the audience in order to be most effective. If it appears on printouts, its strength and impact may be reduced.

So Jack and Mark changed their focus greatly. They realized that many people had a wonderful, touching, interesting, touching story. Stories in their lives. And chicken soup for the soul was born. In addition, since the first chicken soup book was rejected by about 150 publishers during the year, it deserves much trust in their persistence and dedication (two characteristics required by the author). Finally, Health Communications, a small company in Florida, replaced it. The rest is truly publishing history.

Valuable lessons for all writers and best-selling writers from Jack and Mark's experience. But I think the most valuable thing was that they were ready to turn a dime when the situation changed. They changed the criteria for the story in the book itself and continued when many other authors gave up after the first 10 or 50 or 100 rejections.

Everyone who keeps working is not a failure. He is not a great writer, but if he applies the virtues of old-fashioned and endless labor, he will eventually develop his career as a writer.
– Ray Bradbury

How to Write a Best Selling Book Secret # 2:

Happy stories about what you do

Many writers who give advice say that writers should not talk about their writings. Talking too much to too many people about upcoming books, articles or blog posts can absorb energy in any creative project. I agree with that premise, but I want to emphasize the positive truth that I have to talk about what I am doing in my life. Especially the things you include in your book.

“It's a good idea to be interested in what you think. I had to be quirky, capricious or thoughtful so you could hit them some chords. Otherwise it will not work. 'Ah, who's the fucker?'
— Nora Efron

Your own happy conversation experience

Many successes in writing and promoting Moneylove stem from the fact that we are already talking about the prosperity consciousness before throwing books to publishers. I heard a tape from a man named Leonard Orr who had an unusual concept. He said that your attitude toward money itself depends on your financial results.

This was exciting and stimulated creativity and I went to one of his evening seminars. I started to come up with a strategy for putting his ideas into action. I was doing lectures and workshops on communication and relationships. Now I was a bit confused about the prosperity consciousness and how it is using it in my life.

People got the result with enthusiasm, demanded more, and the rest is about the momentum generated by energy.

I like happy talk songs from musicals in the South Pacific. Especially opening:

Happy conversation, keep happy conversation,
Talk about what you want to do

I change the second line to: “Talk about what you do.” Passionate and excited about the topic of the book or what you are writing, the idea talks about your life or the lives of others. Talk about it, not the content of the actual book.

One good strategy for applying this concept in practice is to prepare a real 30-minute conversation on the topic before writing a book. You can also introduce ideas and focus on the most important topics. You can also access a local organization that reserves presenters for having a conversation. Even free conversations for charities, churches, etc. are great marketing research tools.

This also helps what all the noted writers do. In today's publishing world, authors have to carry out many marketing and promotional activities themselves. In addition to providing great suggestions or manuscripts for publishers, it's important to let potential customers know who will buy your books and how you want to reach them.

How to Write a Best Selling Books Secret # 3

Start Immediately

“I'm not thinking about ideas. If you are a writer, you decide to sit down and have an idea. This is how to get an idea. "
~ Andy Rooney

The first of the prosperity advice I put into Moneylove was the advice of pioneering psychologist William James. He said that if you want to change your life, you should start immediately. Let's consider this. You are not currently a best-selling writer or you will not read this article. So what you want to change is at least to be a best selling writer to start the process. Start immediately. Start writing even if you aren't sure what you want.

If you are serious, start writing more than one page per day. You don't have to have a purpose or a specific goal, but you have to have energy and do it without exception. Julia Cameron says you have to wake up every morning in The Artist's Way and immediately write 3 pages. Some people may be too hard. If possible, do at least one page. After doing this for a month, you can see the difference in practice by checking the first page and the latest page. Whether you write a book, blog, convincing email, or clever tweet, your results change.

Here are some immediate start strategies provided by the Writing A Bestseller workshop with personal coaching clients.

Write simple, clear sentences that describe the contents of the book.

If the purpose is clearly clear in writing a book (or whatever) that can convey its essence in one sentence, it is to start before most authors.

Make a copy of the book jacket.

For the necessary research for this, you should go to the library or bookstore and check the hardcover books, especially the copy of the jacket on the side cover. If you write your own version in your own book, you will gain momentum even if what you write now does not accurately describe the finished manuscript.

Start with what I call your future success sampling.

I did this by cutting a copy of the NY Times bestseller list and entering Moneylove into the list before posting it to the bulletin board.

In addition to the proposal or manuscript, you need to clearly identify who your potential customers are and how you can access them. It's an easy way if you have thousands of popular blogs.

It also visualizes the appearances of the main talk show all the time, and imagines what questions the organizer (actually uses Oprah a lot as a guest in the show) asks and how to respond.

How to Write a Best Selling Book Secret # 4:

Attract readers with opening lines

One way to attract, attract, attract and attract readers' attention is to become a master of the opening line or open several lines.

Even before writing a book (or blog post) completely, it is essential to have a clear and clear head.

I don't know about you but always check the starting sentences when browsing books in a bookstore, library or online. The first word either stimulates the desire to read more or not. Here is the beginning of the introduction in Moneylove:

“I deserve to be rich and can be rich. MONEYLOVE helps you to have a rich life full of love and creativity and all the cash you want by chance. ”

I start by starting this!

Business professionals doing a lot of market research and psychologists doing a lot of research both came to the same conclusion. It is the moment that determines the progress of the interaction with the individual or specialist.

Jane Austen's literature on pride and prejudice is the most widely known field of literature.

"It is a universally accepted truth that a man with good luck should want his wife."

This sentence tells the reader what kind of book you chose. Set the tone.

And there is a shocking truth about becoming a best-selling writer. Just as you can write for almost any college course, you can learn a lot about great writing by reading great openings in books. And now is the best time in history, because you can find that opening online without going to the library or bookstore. If you make a request to the search engines such as 'a great opening line of a book' or 'the best literary opening line', you have unlimited access to the best and best lines.

See the first line of the preface to Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich in Nonfiction.

"The 13 steps of wealth described in this book provide the shortest personal achievement philosophy presented for the benefit of a man or woman who is looking for definite goals."

How to Write a Best Selling Book Secret # 5:

Short and sweet

The story doesn't have to be long, but it takes a long time to make it short.
– Henry David Thoreau

In most writing processes, short words and short sentences are now almost standard, but when we first started talking about this in the 1970s, the standard was a complex language with a lot of flowers, except for some great writers who know this secret. It was a sentence. It's not a secret anymore because of one man Rudolf Flesch (see Secret 7 below for details).

As you can see from the beginning of this article, I do not always follow popular advice to keep sentences short. Sometimes more expressive. Sometimes a few long sentences with lots of short sentences can create a pleasant rhythm. back and forth. In her writing, the master of this quality is Harper Lee. Her opening film To Kill a Mockingbird is a great example of a mix of short and long sentences. She was not appalled or shocked, but simply began with what the child could say.

"My brother Jem broke his arm badly at the elbow when he was almost 13 years old."

See how Harper Lee simply conveys the life of a sleepy old town village. "There was no place to hurry, there was nothing to live, nothing to live."

Killing Mocking Bird, one of my favorite books, is the epitome of clear and simple writing. As the best books on fiction or nonfiction always do, authors need to create similar conversations with their readers with good friends telling good stories.

In terms of reducing phrases, I think that one of the most important areas that many nonfiction and fiction writers can master in writing is to print paragraphs, sentences, or even pages. Love and cut from the manuscript.

When I got the final galley before going to the printing press, the whole chapter was left in Moneylove. The book originally had seven chapters, and the editor, Herb Katz, cut out the whole chapter, thinking that it didn't fit with other chapters. After a while, I had to agree with him, but not until I ran and ran for a week or two.

Writing is like music. There is a high note. There is a low note. And at one moment, the mind pauses to breathe between paragraphs, there is no note.

Warning note:

If most of your writing is academic while you are in college, you will be disadvantaged to write to a larger mainstream audience. Most readers today are most familiar with 5th grade vocabulary and can do anything more.


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