13 Powerful YouTube Analytics To Help Your Channel Grow

By:  Bilal Kamal    Topic:  YouTube Analytics   More Post About:  Video Marketing,Content Writing,Blog,Video Editing etc.

Do you use YouTube Analytics?

Because without her he is wrapped in darkness.

You must guess which video themes will succeed. We hope your content resonates with your viewers. Basically, you should cross your fingers every time you upload a new video.

Best of all, you may be making the same mistake repeatedly or miss an incredible opportunity.

Believe us. Try not to lose all opportunities. Especially since people around the world watch billions of hours of videos every day on YouTube, these videos represent 37% of all mobile Internet traffic.


Remember that knowledge is power.

That's why I wrote this guide for 11 powerful metrics that you can track on YouTube Analytics.

Understanding YouTube Analytics and the simple numbers and graphics that compose it can help you make influential decisions that will greatly improve your videos and grow your YouTube channel.

How to use YouTube Analytics.

The secret to YouTube's success is not the hope that one of the click bait titles, YouTube game algorithms, or videos will be popular.

The key to YouTube's success is continuous improvement.

You must understand the audience from the inside out. You need to create high quality content that provides real value. You need to connect personally with the viewer.

These things require a deep understanding of the viewer and the niche.

YouTube Analytics is an invaluable tool that can give you precise ideas on how to optimize your video strategy for success.

Learning the power of YouTube data analytics is a gold mine.

It shows people staying on your content and what people click on. Understand why people share some videos but not others.

He is ready and waiting. All you need to do is use it!

How do I view analytics on YouTube?

First thing to do: To access the YouTube Analytics Dashboard, click on your profile picture in the top right corner of any YouTube page, then click on "YouTube Studio (Beta)".

Go to the new YouTube Studio dashboard.

Then click "Analytics" in the left sidebar.
And you got it! My friend, this is where magic happens.

There are now 4 tabs at the top of the YouTube Analytics dashboard. The first is an overview, and there are three tabs with YouTube Analytics metrics related to the goal you want to achieve.





To learn more about each of these YouTube metrics, simply click on one to expand it.

New YouTube Studio VS. Old Creator Studio.

Before looking at YouTube metrics, you should know that the platform has recently upgraded analytics from 'Creator Studio' to beta version 'YouTube Studio'. Much more intuitive and easier to use than the previous version.

Signing in will automatically take you to the new YouTube Studio dashboard instead of the old Creator Studio dashboard. 
To access some of the features of Creator Studio, you can access it from the left column. The options are as follows:


Live events

Live stream now

Translation and transcription


Status and features

Audio library

Customize channel

VR heat map

You can also switch back to "Creator Studio Classic" near the bottom of the page.

The image below shows a previous creator studio.

If you're using Classic Creator Studio today, you can go back to the latest version of the YouTube Analytics app by clicking the 'Back to Studio Beta' link at the top of the left menu.

Now let's look at the YouTube metrics you've been waiting for.

Some images are from the new YouTube Studio and some are from Classic Creator Studio. No need to worry You can easily see the difference between the two images.


Here are 10 powerful YouTube metrics you can use to improve your videos and grow your channel.

1. YouTube channel growth.

In addition to showing you 18 best ways to grow your YouTube channel, we'll leave you with a list of 10 tools you need to grow your YouTube channel.

1.Canva: You can use Canva to easily create free YouTube thumbnails using free templates and designs.

2. Keyword Tool: Use
The Keyword Tool can help you find specific keywords that appear on Google and YouTube and optimize your content for SEO.

3. VidIQ: YouTube landing tool that helps you learn what you need to achieve your goals and improve your channel.

4.TubeBuddy : You are YouTubers' best friend. You can streamline your daily workflow on YouTube and edit and manage your content in bulk.

5.Social Blade: Social Blade gives you access to data-driven YouTuve rankings and analytics for other users, not just YouTube channels.

6.Bitly: You will use this tool a lot when sharing YouTube video links. It helps to replace it with short and simple links using long URLs.

7.Google Analytics :YouTube Analytics and Google Analytics create a powerful duo when tracking YouTube and website metrics to see the results of all promotions and actions.

9.Camtasia: Use this app for professional screen and video editing when you need.

10. Social Media Management Tools: Use social media management tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to consistently manage and promote YouTube channels and videos on social media.

2. YouTube Analytics grows with YouTube Analytics.

Using YouTube analytics and reports is critical to your channel's success. Analytics is geared towards channels that can help you find opportunities and efforts to help improve your channel.

Some people may feel overwhelmed because they are far from their creator studio (where the YouTube analysts are). But avoiding it will not help you understand.

6 most important YouTube analytics to track

Watch time: This report shows how long viewers watched a video.

Audience retention: This report shows a hint as to why people are constantly watching videos when they interact with your content and why they stopped watching.

Demographics: This report shows the age range and country of viewers.

Play location: This report shows where people are playing the video correctly.

Traffic Sources: This report shows the devices viewers use to retrieve video content.

Device: This report shows the percentage of views viewed from desktop, mobile or elsewhere.

Want to learn more about YouTube metrics? Check out Hootsuite's simple guide to tracking the right indicators without getting too far from the rabbit hole.

3. Grow your YouTube channel with ads.

We recommend using organic growth for your YouTube channel, but adding a few paid promotions can be a bit faster.

Creating a YouTube advertising campaign will help viewers and subscribers drive your page. 

Create ads within your budget, like paying only when someone watches a video or clicks on a link. Similar to Facebook ads but adapted for YouTube.

Three types of YouTube video ads you can try:

TrueView ad

TrueView ads are a standard video ad type on YouTube.

Advertisers can easily customize their videos to share a variety of content, paying only for TrueView ads when viewers watch or click to interact with them.

Video Discovery Ad (formerly In Display Ad)

Video Search YouTube ads appear as related videos on the YouTube homepage, search results pages, and YouTube video watch pages.

In-stream advertising
TrueView in-stream ads start playing before someone watches a video you choose on YouTube. Viewers can sometimes skip an ad after seeing it for 5 seconds. 

You can play it anywhere on the site where you purchased the Google Display Network (GDN) or Google Video ad space.

You need to create a YouTube campaign load before you start clicking and pushing ads. Therefore, you should have an idea of ​​the desired result, the goals you want to achieve and how you can achieve the best.

I found Hubspot's YouTube Ads Guide (very useful and detailed) on how to get started and optimize YouTube video ad campaigns, so you don't have to figure it out. Your YouTube channel is now growing fast.

4. Grow your YouTube channel with an introductory trailer.

Before you begin the first round of a YouTube video, make an intro video that introduces you, your brand, and your channel information.

An intro video can play a video when a non-subscriber arrives at the YouTube channel homepage, encouraging viewers to subscribe to more content.

You've already started a YouTube video, but you can still use the intro video for your channel, even if you have a few videos. It's not too late

Mike's introductory video is a perfect example of what you can do to make yourself if you don't want something so cool. Personal and attractive

5. Grow YouTube Channels with SEO.

SEO isn't just for websites or blog articles, it's a powerful tool for boosting video rankings on YouTube.

Interestingly, this is one of the things most new YouTubers forget. This is why their videos do not rank outside of search or YouTube.

Viewers are needed to gain subscribers and grow your channel. SEO is the best way.

6. Grow your YouTube channel by embedding videos in your blog.

In addition to uploading videos and deleting a few links here and there, YouTube doesn't give you many options to give viewers more information, so having a branded website is very important.

Running a detailed blog that matches your YouTube channel may give people the option to read, view, or learn from both.

If you already have a blog, include a YouTube video on your blog to promote it to your viewers. You can also add YouTube widgets to your website or blog.

5 best YouTube widgets available today (paid and free)

Yottie: Best for Shopify

YouTube + Vimeo Video Slider: Best for Shopify

Power.io: best suited for Wordpress and Wix

Tint: suitable for all platforms

Channel: best suited for WordPress

7. Grow your YouTube channel by uploading videos to Facebook.

Placing YouTube videos on other video platforms like Facebook can help you reach more potential customers who are interested in your content. 68% of marketers posted video content on Facebook, and 87% said it was effective.

Most marketers still say they prefer YouTube over Facebook (87% vs. 68%) for video and marketing efforts, but the result is itself.

If you have a collection of videos on Facebook, viewers can easily access your content without changing the platform. You can get some subscribers along the way by placing a link to subscribe the description / caption.

Best practices for optimizing video and SEO on Facebook do not share videos to Facebook with Facebook or Instagram. Instead, upload a YouTube video with the Facebook video uploader.

You can increase engagement with these 4 simple ways to use video on Facebook.

8. See how impressions relate to watch time.

First let's understand the variables in use.

Impressions: Impressions are when one of your video thumbnails appears on the screen of a YouTuber. Impressions data will help you understand the most distributed and successful videos on YouTube. 

For example, you can check whether a particular format or format is more successful or if you have reached unusually low or high impressions.

Clickthrough rate (CTR): Impression clickthrough rate shows the percentage of impressions that converted to views. That is, how many people who clicked the thumbnails clicked.
YouTube Analytics provides a simple graph that shows you how many views are and how they are related to watch time.


Impression clickthrough rate measures a video's ability to entice people to click and watch it.

A high CTR means that the title and thumbnail are great and attracted the attention of people browsing on YouTube.

Now let's look at the common pitfalls.

High clickthrough rates lead to high views, but short average views.

This is bad.

The video caught people's attention but didn't catch it. Occurs frequently in click bait videos.

If this happens to one of your videos, the title and thumbnail may be misleading.

The last thing you want to do is mislead your viewers.

That way you will feel trickery and manipulation. You can lose trust in your brand and lose forever as a customer.

9. Subscriber Rate Monitoring.

YouTube metrics on subscribers illustrate the channel's ability to deliver consistent performance. After all, you are a regular viewer.

It is important to monitor the growth or decrease of your subscriber base.

This simple metric allows you to measure the full reach of your channel. You can also understand how each video contributes to gaining or losing subscribers.

If you notice an increase in subscribers due to a specific video or topic, you can take advantage of it.

Similarly, if the topic's performance drops and you lose subscribers, you can avoid it in future videos.

10. Continuously upload to grow your YouTube channel.

If all of your YouTube channels are successful, you're uploading videos consistently.

Uploading regularly or following the “tube consciousness” will increase your chances of getting regular viewers.

You can also push notifications to upload subscribers and get notified when there is new content.

Upload a new video once a week or once a month (depending on the best feature) and insist on it. If they do not match what you upload, you may lose subscribers and viewers during a video sound order.

Ask yourself the old question, "How often should I upload to YouTube?" In Kateora's article on Filmora, he saw how many views he saw as a useful guide that guided him in the right direction with a consistent post.

11. Pay attention to social sharing.

Social media can play a big role in the success of your video. That's why it's important to understand how videos are shared across various social media channels.

YouTube Analytics lets you see how many shares you received over time for your entire channel or for individual videos.

It also shows where these shares occurred in YouTube Analytics.

12. Grow your YouTube channel with video collaboration.

Co-hosting with other YouTubers can help you grow your YouTube channel by doubling your audience.

Because there are two YouTube channel subscribers who watch the video, which leads to more viewers, subscribers, and reach.

The key to collaborative video hosting is that you are a co-host or your guest needs to fit into a niche. 

The two should have the same number of subscribers that can support each other, but it's a good idea for co-hosts to get more potential to help boost their channel.

Nick Nimmin's video on "How to Collaborate with Other YouTubers" perfectly outlines the steps and advantages and disadvantages of trying to collaborate on a video.

Feel free to collaborate on videos with multiple YouTube users in a single video or the entire video series. 

Lily Singh collaborates with other well-known YouTubers on her video series during the holiday season. It's a good idea to attract more subscribers and viewers during the holidays.

13. Study what you like and dislike.

Likes and dislikes provide a quick and easy way to measure audience feedback over time.

Obviously, you want to minimize dislike but remember that it is inevitable. So instead of thinking Dislikes as a pioneer of fate, it's important to see what you dislike compared to the number of likes you receive a video. This is a much more useful and practical approach.

If you have a lot of dislikes in one of your videos, ask the following questions:

Do titles and thumbnails accurately represent video content?

Is your content relevant to your target audience?

Is your video produced poorly?

Do you disagree with what the viewer said in the video?

One of the best ways to learn about potential problems is to check out comments. 

Sometimes it is placed in the ordinary view without popping Sherlock Holmes technology. There's no better feedback than potential customers provide themselves.


YouTube Analytics provides useful information you can use to improve your videos and grow your channel.

It may seem scary at first, but with a quick overview, you can learn about YouTube data analysis and take advantage of all the amazing features and Intel.

YouTube's algorithms greatly compensate for high watch time and audience retention. So the best wisdom Google can convey is to keep the viewer's attention and find more videos again.

This is a constant process that should not stop constantly, even if you break the target from side to side. People who have achieved top performance on YouTube always research YouTube Analytics metrics to see how it works, how it doesn't work, and how to bridge the gap.

What is the most useful metric in this list? Let us know in the comments below!


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