Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

By:   Bilal Kamal    Topic:    Increase Website Traffic    More Post About Quora, Blogging, Marketing, SEO, etc

Chose a great product and designed the store. Now you just need to figure out how to drive traffic to your website so that sales begin.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

This article will help you figure out what you really need to learn to increase website traffic in stores, from social media to non-traditional marketing hacks. You can also listen to what experts do to increase traffic to your website. And you can use the Website Traffic Checker tool to see how much traffic you are receiving.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020.

What is website traffic?

Website traffic tells you how many users visit your website. Analytics tools often report page views and unique page views. Pageviews are the total number of times users visit your site, and unique pageviews tell you how many people visited your site only a few times.

The idea is that the more traffic your website has, the more opportunities you have to convert users.

However, more traffic often means lower conversion rates. This may be because traffic is not targeted. More people visit your site, but may not be the most likely lead to buy your product.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020.

Here are the top 17 ways to increase website traffic in 2020:

 #1. Build your backlink.

Backlinks are another important component of SEO. When an external site links to your site, it tells Google that your site is reliable and related to the words in the anchor text (clickable words).

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

In addition to SEO, backlinks are likely to drive traffic to the store itself. Users of that site can click through to your site to drive purchases.

#2 Hosting Exclusive Content on Your Website.

Start a blog, create free courses, develop slide-share presentations, host webinars, and post other relevant content on your site. Maintain a regular publishing schedule and allow users to subscribe so they can continue to subscribe.

#3. Submit your site to search engines.

When a search engine asks a search engine to crawl and index your site, it's more likely to appear on the results page for relevant search terms.

For Google: Submit your site through Search Console.
Bing and Yahoo: Learn how to submit a URL.

#4. Experiment with content freshness.

Content freshness is an SEO hack that people do to drive traffic to your website significantly. Basically, you need to add new sections to remove old content from your web page and keep the content. By default, you quickly touch old web page content.

A simple way to keep the content of your product pages up-to-date is to use a product review app, such as the Product Review Addon from This allows customers to leave reviews on product pages, which indicates to Google that the page has regular activity and new content. You can also keep the product page "new" by taking the most common customer feedback and switching from description to sentence.

#5. Optimize your website for search.

When you first start, focus on finding keywords that are based on your blog's content and represent a niche for storing pages. Typically, you choose to focus on one or two default keywords per web page. You can use SEO tools like Keyword Everywhere to find related keywords.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

Initially, we focus on keywords with less than 10,000 search volumes per month. After months of writing blog content and optimizing your product pages, you can focus on finding more keywords.

The key to getting website traffic is to first build a strong base of relevant keywords. Leveraging blogs in online stores can have the biggest impact on driving organic traffic to your website.

#6. Create quizzes with the Shared Results feature.

The quiz is an effective lead generation tool you can use for your content marketing mix. In 2016, LeadQuizzes users had a conversion rate of 33.6%. In addition, we have data about that user via quiz answers, as well as emails from those who can market in the future.

Let's go back to the main goal of website traffic. When the user completes the quiz, the results are shareable. You can then post the results to social media and take the quiz by clicking the link in the network. This way, you can drive more traffic and grow your email list at the same time.

Bra company True & Co. has a quiz to help you choose the right size bra. Based on the answer, provide the product recommendation to the user.

#7. Contests and giveaways.

If you make contests and giveaways a regular part of your e-commerce strategy, give users a reason to visit and revisit your site. Not to mention word-of-mouth marketing, especially if you integrate social sharing components into your campaign.

When users enter contests and sweepstakes, they also have the opportunity to market those products in the future. Only about one-third of contestants would like to receive information from the brand.

You can also get specific information about your interests, so you can tailor your strategy to your shopping preferences. Personalization is a big opportunity for brands when 71% of consumers consider frustration when their experience is non-personal.

#8. Write on Medium.

Medium is an online publishing platform that allows people and brands to post blog posts with basic HTML and CSS editing and styling. The platform also created a community of publishers that can follow, engage and promote others' posts.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

You can take advantage of this existing community to introduce your brand. After investing resources to create a great content experience in Medium, you get interested and readers. Including a link back to your site can help attract readers to your online store.

#9. Participate in guest blogs.

Guest publishing works in two ways. You can submit a post to another site or accept a post from an external contributor. (You can do both!)

Search for popular publications and blogs in your niche. Pay particular attention to users with active and engaged audiences and posts that receive a lot of social media attention. Some blogs have instructions for submitting guest posts, so you should check first. If you can't find it by clicking around the site, search the site through google like guest post-site:

Guest post instructions should be followed carefully. For example, the offbeat bride has detailed pages and forms for users to submit a stadium.
Guest posts contain links to your site (content, author bio, or both) many times. This will drive traffic from your site to your site.

On the other hand, invite niche bloggers and complementary brands to post on your blog. We recommend sharing your blog's content. Is your blog traffic-heavy? Big email list? Giant social following?

#10. Start a podcast.

51% of Americans listen to podcasts, and 32% listen to podcasts at least monthly. Podcasts have a lot of potential customers and starting to support an online brand can also drive site traffic.

Podcasting offers several benefits:

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

Brand Awareness: Users can first find themselves through podcasts, then visit the site to learn more.
Cultivate Customer Relationship: Add additional value to your customers through podcast content. You can also integrate interactive components to provide a more intimate brand experience.
SEO: Record podcasts to include audio and post text to your site blog to optimize your search.

#11. Get involved in email marketing.

Email marketing allows you to continue driving website traffic to your store as long as your customers maintain a subscription. As social media sites constantly limit their reach, email marketing is one of the only marketing channels that users have full control over.

Creating an email marketing list can take a long time, so it's important to start from the first day. You can create an email list by adding Email Pirate, which adds an opt-in form to your website. You can also try using Spin-a-Sale to collect emails based on intent to terminate or to send product notifications to customers when product prices change.

#12. Maximize your Twitter marketing.

Twitter is cracking down on spam automation, but you can still take advantage of this traffic source. If you are still learning how to increase website traffic, Twitter is a great platform for experimentation. You don't have to worry about reach limits. Relevant hashtags can help you reach more potential customers than your followers.

When it comes to content marketing, the way to get traffic on Twitter is to share clicks to relink links with the people in the article. This will give your original tweets more visibility, especially if hashtags are used. Because you can rank higher in the feed for hashtags. As a result, your tweets become more interested, which leads to higher clickthrough rates on your website.

#13. Check out Pinterest.

Pinterest is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. Pinning your product and blog content multiple times a week can help your Pinterest traffic outperform Facebook. With just one pin, a virus is launched to secure an endless stream of traffic to your website.

If you share a blog post, you can pin all the images within the post. This gives you many chances of taking off the pin. One of the photos can surpass the rest. As a result, you can drive more traffic to your website.

Let's say you're promoting a product page. If the product photos on that page aren't the most encouraging, you can upload a custom photo to drive clicks to your website. To increase website traffic on Pinterest, try using a binoculars app that targets visitors to Pinterest.

#14. Increase website traffic with LinkedIn.

For most online retailers, LinkedIn often looks like the last place traffic came from. It's not the top priority, but you can steadily get traffic from this source.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

Many online retailers use LinkedIn to share PR news. For example, if you have recently donated to a charity, emphasized a team's employees, or want to achieve a big milestone for your business, you can share an article from your website on LinkedIn.

Product link sharing is not common unless the product is new. Videos tend to work really well on LinkedIn in terms of views and engagement. Adding website links to posts containing videos can increase website traffic.

#15. Drive website traffic to Facebook.

Facebook's organic reach continues to decline because Facebook prioritizes posts from users' friends and family members, but this doesn't make this a powerful platform. You can get website traffic from Facebook groups, Facebook Ads, Messenger, social media posts, and your own business pages.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

If you're an online store owner, you can promote your product and sell your Facebook group so that you can receive website traffic from people interested in buying your product.

In addition, combining Facebook ads with continuous posting on Facebook pages increases the likelihood of website traffic from multiple areas of Facebook. Check the Facebook Chat app as you can share links to product pages or blog content to potential and real customers.

#16. Try using Instagram marketing.

Over time, Instagram has become a better marketing channel for online retailers due to its business-friendly features and large user scale.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

You can increase traffic with your bio links, but you can also do so by adding referral links to affiliates, people selling products for commissions, and Instagram links. Or contact influential people with great interests and share their links. You can increase traffic to your website by creating traffic ads. You can also add links to Instagram stories, posts, and photos. You can create an Instagram gallery with free tools like Showcase.

So if you add a link to a bio, your Instagram followers will be directed to your website's shoppable gallery instead of a third-party app. You can also buy products from certain Instagram posts created by people, which will help promote overall conversion.

#17. Master YouTube Marketing.

You can increase your YouTube traffic by creating a YouTube ad, adding a link to your description, adding a special effects link to your video, or letting other YouTube users share the link to your video. Creating a new video over a consistent, long distance at least once a week can drive more traffic to your website.

Top 17 Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2020

If you don't have a prospect yet, you can contact a YouTube user with a large audience and ask them to become an affiliate or pay a fee. This works in the short term, but it's a good idea to build your own channel to lower acquisition costs.


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