7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

By: Bilal kamal   Topic: Email Marketing   More Post About Blogging, Wordpress, Marketing, etc

How can I make my email marketing more effective? This is a question every eCommerce store owner should ask regularly. 

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

In this article, I will share 7 email marketing tips to help you get better results. Let's start with the most important…

Email Marketing Tips: # 1 Trying to Deliver Value on Every Email.

Gone are the days when people got excited about getting a new email.

1696 billion emails are sent every day, of which 188.8 million are business emails, and the average person sends and receives about 121 emails per day.

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

Because today I feel overwhelmed when people open their inbox… The moment you feel that you are not receiving enough emails, you may click on “Cancel subscription” or “Report as spam”.

This is especially true for e-commerce emails. Online store owners need to maintain a balance that keeps their latest offers up to date without impacting their sales opportunities. So each email adds value to the customer rather than asking for it.

Email Marketing Tip: # 2 Sort your list to deliver emails properly.

There were times when people were happy with general marketing.

After all, if you run a TV commercial, can't you actually personalize your message? But those days are long gone. Today people especially want things related to themselves in their inbox.

For example, if you're a 25-year-old woman who wants to lose weight, you probably won't be interested in receiving an email that says "Those 3 tips will help you make MONSTER Biceps !!!!" 

However, you can arrive in your inbox after buying a product that meets both genders in the Health and Fitness online store. Of course, unless the email list is categorized properly.

The important thing here is to understand what different types of customers are interested in and then organize your list so that you can easily send content related to that interest. 

Therefore, you need to classify your email list based on various demographics. In addition, if some subscribers are in the EU, it is necessary to classify them in a manner that complies with the GDPR rules.

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

Email Marketing Tip: # 3 Use titles that people can't help and click on… And deliver what you promised

Today people are shorter in interest than goldfish.

No, sincerely, Microsoft surveyed 2,000 participants and used brain waves to observe 112 brain activities. They found that in 2000, the average concentration time for humans, 12 seconds, was reduced to 8 seconds. And what is the interest range of goldfish? It is believed to be 9 seconds.

That is, there is not enough time to catch someone's attention, especially in an environment full of inboxes.

Do you want people to open your email? Then you should pay attention to the subject line immediately. Otherwise, it will move to another item within a few seconds.

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

The importance of prominent subject lines cannot be overemphasized. For example, Mauro D 'Andrea doubled his disclosure rate by changing the subject line from "How to Make the Best Selling Product" to "Make Your Product Sexier than Nicole Kidman." Increased from 17% to 33%! Could a low conversion rate be due to boring topics?

Take a look at the title. Do you want to click that email when you arrive in your inbox? no? Then think of something more tempting. Deliver what you promised!

Email Marketing Tip: # 4 Mixing Promotional and Educational Content

People get tired very quickly due to the onslaught of sales speed. That's why it should be mixed with some educational content. What does that mean?

Let's use the online health and fitness store example again. What can you send to customers in addition to your sales email?

Instructions on how to use the product you just purchased. Do you know how to install the pullup bar correctly? A short video can help.

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

Health and Fitness Advice. Does a customer who bought a pull-up bar know how to use it? There are so many more features than the classic pullup! Why not send them a video of various calisthenics exercises to the bar?

List of various interesting links. Sherlock Holmes is not needed to understand that people who buy health and fitness products are interested in health and fitness. Send monthly newsletters with a collection of articles and videos on relevant topics across the web.

If you send an interesting and helpful customer's material, you'll see that the customer can see more than just the dollar sign. This increases the likelihood that customers will eventually buy.

Email Marketing Tips: # 5 Make sure your email is mobile optimized.

The widespread adoption of smartphones has changed the way people access the Internet.

Nearly ⅔ Americans own a smartphone, and 53% of emails open on mobile devices. 71% of email users delete emails immediately if emails are not displayed properly. Mobile is the future, so you can adapt better!

Here are three things you can do to make your email more attractive to mobile users.

Use a large font. The text must be at least 13px-14px and the title must be at least 16px-18px. Smaller than that means readers have to read or squint it.

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

Resize the image according to the aspect ratio. Set the aspect ratio to take the image width, then set the height to auto-adjust to the given width. That way, the image in the email will adjust according to the size of the screen you are viewing.

Make it easy for people to tap links and CTA buttons. Mobile device users are using their thumbs, so you need to adjust the clickable components accordingly. CTA button. 

Mobile device users are using their thumbs, so you need to adjust the clickable components accordingly. You can use the Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines for a minimum target size of 44 pixels wide and 44 pixels high as a reference point.

Email Marketing Tip: # 6 A / B Test everything to see what works best for your customer.

When creating an email, you want to rely on aesthetics, copywriting skills, and intuition.

But even if something is right for you, you should not assume it is suitable for your audience. You need to test And most of the tests aren't very much, but over time some improvements are also made. Also, running tests regularly will hit you once in a while.

For example, Conversion Voodoo wanted to know the best line of titles for his customers: "Merry Christmas!" Or "Happy Holidays!". So I sent an email on December 21st and tested both subject lines using 100,000 segments. What happened?

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

As you can see, the line titled “Merry Christmas!” Showed an open rate of 5.09% and a clickthrough rate of 2.57% (almost double). The big difference is that customers are large retailers with large email lists.

Break home and start testing. Which subject is most effective? What's the right layout for email? Should I include a testimonial? What about the image? 

Do I need to offer free shipping or a discount? There are a number of factors that affect conversion rates ... and the only way to know for sure what works and what doesn't work is to run an A / B test.

Email Marketing Tips: # 7 Regularly Clean Up Your List.

Even the best email marketers in the world have inactive subscribers on their email lists. Maybe these people have lost their interest in whatever you offer, or simply changed their email address.

However, if you do not clean up your list, those inactive subscribers will gather and eventually you will reach the point where these ghosts begin to distort your stats.

7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

You can avoid this by regularly rechecking inactive subscribers. Ask people who have never opened an email to reconfirm their subscription. We will reply to you in 1-2 weeks… Delete inactive subscribers that have not been reconfirmed.

Doing this every 3-6 months gives you fewer subscribers and more reliable statistics.


7 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Conversion in 2020

Email lists are one of the most powerful assets online entrepreneurs can own, so use them well!

And now your turn is…

What is your favorite email marketing tip? Let us know in the comments!


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