Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

By: Bilal Kamal   Topic:  Digital Marketing     More Post About Digital Marketing, Marketing Salary, Blogging, SEO, etc

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

Digital marketing has created a variety of opportunities, including jobs that have not existed in recent decades. The expansion in this industry is creating a demand for new technology sets.

At the same time, the way that automation eliminates the need for face-to-face customer service and the need for online presence is changing the way we conceptualize the faces of our work and people.

What is the impact of these changes and demands on the payroll in digital marketing? The prospect is especially good for those who have expertise and background or are willing to invest their time and effort in learning new skills. Let's look at some career options and average salaries available in digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Manager.

Digital marketing managers develop and implement marketing projects. Present advertising strategies and campaigns to promote your product or service on the web.

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

They often focus on increasing sales through brand awareness and loyalty. Digital marketing managers should be familiar with e-commerce and be able to cope with the rapid changes in the digital market.

Job Title and Average Salary:

Digital Marketing Manager: $ 64,459

Inbound Marketing Manager: $ 74,347

PPC marketer.

Pay-per-click is a kind of advertising that businesses pay when a user clicks on an ad. It drives sales to your website and you only pay for the results.

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

The tricky part is to attract the best traffic with the least advertising spend. This is where the data comes in. PPC professionals should be able to see every angle and optimize what works. It is a special talent that requires powerful analytical skills.

Job Title and Average Salary:

PPC Manager: $ 50,035

PPC Specialist: $ 44,219

PPC Analyst: $ 43,315

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is advancing but will not go away. SEO is one of the most important aspects of a digital marketing plan and for good reason. According to HubSpot, Google is responsible for 96% of mobile traffic and 94% of total organic traffic, which can really help drive website visits through SEO strategies. 

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

It is your job to prepare SEO professionals to read and prefer your company's online content from search engines.

SEO management is a rapidly evolving and rapidly evolving task that requires you to stay up to date on trends, data, and algorithm changes. Today's ranking may not be tomorrow's, and SEO specialists can always modify the course as needed. 

Having these skills will be a valuable asset to any company. According to the same HubSpot article, 61% of marketers say that improving SEO and increasing their organic presence is an inbound marketing priority. location.

Job Title and Average Salary:

SEO Expert: $ 43,821

Inbound SEO Expert: $ 50, 223

SEO Manager: $ 66,544

Inbound SEO Manager: $ 69,155

Social media expert.

A strong social media presence is more important than ever. Here are some statistics:

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

80% of Instagram users follow some form of business
68% of Americans and about 30% of the world's population use Facebook
26% of Facebook users who purchased by clicking on an ad
Twitter's ad engagement has increased 91% over last year
98% of Pinterest users were inspired to try ideas after they first saw them on Pinterest
A healthy social media presence is very important, and you need to have a professional who can establish a presence, engage users, build brand loyalty and divert consumers.

Job Title and Average Salary:

Social Media Strategist: $ 51,248

Social Media Marketing Manager: $ 49,552

Social Media Manager: $ 49,146

Social Media Specialist: $ 41,702

Social Media Coordinator: $ 39,024

Inbound Social Media Manager: $ 54,514


Software and mobile app developers create daily-used applications and websites on smartphones and tablets. You have a background in website design and can write code. Developers test bugs on sites and apps and fix any issues that occur.

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

Development is a very technical aspect of digital marketing, so you should have a background in IT programming. If you have the programming skills you need, it's safe to be able to work for a while. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics plans to add 24% more jobs in software development by 2026.

Job Title and Average Salary:

Mobile application developer: $ 72,037

Software developer: $ 69,674

Content Manager.

Content managers oversee everything related to the content, from brainstorming to calendars to authoring to layouts. He also leads the creative team to set goals and deadlines. 

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

Content managers work with freelancers, account managers, and editors to get the materials they need to impress website visitors and social media followers.

Content management comes with a lot of responsibility, so good organization and leadership skills are essential. In some cases, a company may require a marketing, communication, or similar degree. 

However, in the case of web content management, it is likely that organizations will value their experience and proven track record.

Job Title and Average Salary:

Content Manager: $ 56,709

Inbound Content Manager: $ 62,688


There are quite a few ways to make money as a blogger. You can monetize your own profit blog, which can be monetized by a powerful social media strategy. It is also the place where many professionals begin. 

Digital Marketing Manager Salary in 2020

The company wants to reach out to its customers. They want to connect to a more human level and provide useful information to their customers, so brands are hiring writers for this.

Many large companies employing in-house bloggers want a bachelor's degree in English or journalism. But small businesses that have just started will be more willing to work with talented and dedicated writers with relevant experience.

Job Title and Average Salary:

Blogger: $ 41,889

Last thoughts

Digital marketing is revolutionizing advertising. Gone are the days when you turned off the TV to silence the commercial. People are embracing ads because they are more personal and relevant. All of these strategies include engaging with your customers, finding what you need, and then giving it to them.

Digital marketing creates a space for exciting new careers, giving you achievements and rewards.

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