Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Digital marketing continues to grow and will continue to grow in 2020. In the late 2000s, which did not have an effective digital marketing strategy, the written business would lag behind. 

But if you're new to digital marketing or trying to optimize your strategy, it's never too late. Experience these five digital marketing trends in 2020. Turn the scarce strategy of the Internet into a cutting edge strategy.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020.

1. video is growing.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

In the last two years, especially video content has exploded. Just as social media has emerged, just as shareable snippets and photos have changed the shape of the World Wide Web, by 2020 more platforms will prioritize video and more users will have access to high-quality recording devices. Will change shape again.

The video will be a major digital marketing trend in 2020. Video tends to drive more stocks and engagement, and may even take the SERP spot in video carousels. You are not sure of the ability to compete with written content, but create exciting and engaging videos and enjoy your strengths.

From strained protest videos to funny animal videos, controversial advertisements, leaked footage, etc., all types of videos can get furious in hours. To start the video in 2020, you need to contact whom and what, why, why. Step very carefully. The right video can improve your brand, but the wrong video can hinder your promotion.

2. Assignment  Sales.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Do sales teams use content produced by marketing teams? As a marketer, do you collaborate with your sales team to create content that helps your sales team close deals?

If so, the assignment sale is for you.

Transfer sales are simply the process of deliberately using the training content you create for your products and services to solve key issues and answer prospective customers' burning questions during the sales process to prepare for a sales appointment.

Direct results from the sales team using content generated by the sales process are more likely to grasp the information better and close faster.

As an added benefit, sales teams also spend less time responding to the same questions over and over. Sales conversations are more efficient and only exist with potential customers who understand the offering.

3. Ongoing Importance of Local SEO.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

An increasing number of searchers are looking for businesses that are considered "near" search.

From 2013 to 2017, the "near me" search increased by 900%. In the past two years, phrases like "now" + "around me" have also grown by 200%.

For businesses running at the local level, there is a tremendous opportunity to capture buyers at the moment of immediate demand.

Local SEO optimization starts with creating and optimizing your listing on Google My Business. Local listings for Google My Business will appear before organic listings.

Think of Google My Business listings as a local extension of your website. If your business operates at the local level, optimizing Google My Business for your website and local SEO is the most important.

4.Google Discover.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Do you know that people can find content organically without searching for it?

Google Search creates user-specific feeds based on browser history, AI, and interests.

If you look carefully at your website traffic, it's likely that you're getting traffic from referral traffic from

Currently, this app only exists on Android devices and is the easiest to access on a Google Pixel phone. Soon, Google search will be present in all Google mobile browsers.

This content is a massive referral traffic source that can deliver content directly to interested prospects.

There are over 800 million people looking for new content using Google search, which is just the beginning.

5. More Featured Snippets.

The recommendation snippet that appears at the top of SERP, which attempts to answer a user's query directly without having to select a page, was first launched by Google in 2014. Thailand? How many ounces per pound?

The referral snippet box is considered SERP Spot Zero because it appears before the actual search results on the page. As mentioned earlier, many referral snippets respond to voice search queries. However, it is also useful for existing searches. This point means maximum visibility and clicks.

From 2016 to 2019, the number of main snippets increased by 165%, and now one quarter of all SERPs contain special snippets. This is one of the digital marketing trends that is expected to continue to grow in 2020. We have expanded our featured snippets to include different types of snippets, multiple snippets, video results, and more.

This sometimes pushes other results down the page. If your valuable keywords in the industry are showing weak or inaccurate referral snippets, taking a position can significantly increase traffic.

Many recommended snippets come from the first organic result, but not always. In other words, you can seize the SERP Spot Zero and improve your Google ranking even on pages 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the page. To win this spot, your content and the whole site should be great, and it's better to restate the question with answers and use bulleted or numbered lists.

These five digital marketing trends in 2020 do not bring dramatic changes in current best practices, but give first adopters the opportunity to stay ahead of the competition. Those who adapt to changes in digital marketing, consumer preferences, and media consumption can continually improve their overall strategy, but they will not lag steadily.

6. More Optimization for Voice Search.

A number of virtual assistants are ready to answer your questions and provide results just by voice search. Users can search on their smartphones, laptops, smart speakers and even smart TVs and watches.

As the number of smart devices that don't use keyboards has increased, voice searches have become the best way to get answers from these devices. This is an important digital marketing trend in 2020, which will become even more important as the use of this technology increases.

As the number of voice searches and smart devices increases, content optimized for voice search will become more popular. Voice Search Optimization is similar to regular SEO, with a few additional layers.

You have to keep in mind how people use voice search. Text search can use a single word or sentence snippet, but voice search is usually more specific with full questions. Most voice search results are presented as recommended snippets and are described in detail in the next section.

Things to consider when optimizing voice search. How can someone find my content using a voice search? This is because voice search typically utilizes a whole question of information, educational content, including the ideal person, when, where, why or how.

For example, news about how to transplant trees in landscaping companies may appear in voice searches that are useful for gardeners during planting. Detailed posts on ideal soil, water and solar conditions for a particular tree may be too in-depth for voice search. This content may still be worth it, and because it represents deeper interest, it can drive more conversions, but it's not suitable for voice search.

7. Mobile SEO.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Mobile optimization is unlikely to be a trend in 2020. Google announced that it will be a mobile-first index site in 2018, and mobile search has been more important than the desktop search for some time.

Your website's mobile page has proven to be more important, but the mobile version tends to be of lower priority.

If your website isn't built to be responsive (suitable for multiple devices without loads of the build mobile version of your site), traffic can be reduced.

It focuses on UX initiatives for mobile, such as page speed, responsiveness, and the proper scaling of images and clickable areas.

With our free tool, you can easily check if your website is for mobile.

8. Personalized web experiences.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

Today it's very easy for a company to create a "personalized" experience for website visitors using cookie tracking and smart content.

Returning to the website, you may have encountered this problem when your name or company name appears on your website or chatbot. It's not what we say.

Most businesses talk about their greatness and differences in website messaging.

The buyer will ask you one question before deciding to visit your website and continue learning. Does this solve my problem? The main focus of this question is the word “I”.

Marketing teams need to reconfigure their websites and messaging so that potential customers have a personal experience. Look at how many times you use words like "us" or "us" on the company homepage.

Compare how many times the word “me” or “me” is used. The ideal ratio is 5 to 1. That means 5 times more buyers than buyers.

When the buyer expresses the problem, reorganizing the website will help them understand the buyer's problem. You can count on this understanding to solve specific problems.

9. Livestream video.

80% of respondents to a recent survey say they want to watch the live video rather than read a blog post.

Combining this fact with the fact that almost half of the surveyed users watch live stream video at least once a week and one-quarter of the same respondents are watching live stream video once a day has an impressive case for the medium.

Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram all make it fast and easy to produce live videos. In fact, the only thing you need to get started with Livestream video is your smartphone and an active social media account.

Live stream video facilitates real-time interaction with customers and prospects in a cost-effective way.

Viewers do not consume content in their time. Instead, join naturally by choosing to participate in the content on a schedule.

Here's how you can successfully leverage Livestream video in your business.

10. Social media stories.

Top 11 Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

The best way to continue delivering Livestream videos for those who couldn't be watched at the time is to show them later in the story.

One-third of the most-viewed Instagram Stories are from business, so it's also a great way to showcase your products, events, or links.

There are simple built-in tools that have been proven to make the story more attractive, such as surveys, geotags, and mentions.

It's also very easy to post tagged user-generated content into your story.

More than half of Instagram users have found new products in the app.

It also pointed out that there are also opportunities to learn and buy more.

11. Social listening analytics.

Social listening is the practice of investigating brand mentions to get information about what users, promoters, and discourages say.

At this point, social listening was used primarily as a responsive marketing strategy for communicating with customers.

As AI technology is further strengthened and applied to social listening analytics, the way this tactic is used will change significantly.

Social listening analytics can be used in a proactive way to identify trends and inform marketing strategies.

Instead of sending a feedback form or paying for market research, customer panels or focus groups, you can get feedback quickly. AI can help companies quickly turn around by identifying new trends or getting feedback quickly.

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