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You can write well ranked blog posts

With 34 posts, I learned a lot about how to create great online content, especially content suitable for search engines.

Many articles are proud to be featured on Google's first page (terms like 'Good Idea' and 'Steve Jobs Life Class').

This type of content is the engine that drives the success of your income diary. I don't know the exact stats, but Income Diary knows that Google gets huge traffic every month.

As more and more articles are published online every day, the competition for Google's top spot is fierce.

Even after 2017, you need to write really special content to increase your ranking.

I am here to share with you what I know about it. You can also write a narrative blog post that appears on our first page about popular keywords.

Learn to:

What's the good news in common with Walmart
Three types of epic posts I wrote
Why is a quote the best?

Why create an epic post using two separate Word documents

What makes an Epic blog post?

“One stop” destination

Super Walmart in our town is the best one stop shopping locale. You can buy clothes, groceries, bikes, electronics, cut your hair, check your eyes, and change your car oil in one place.

People love Walmart because they can get almost everything without having to go all over town.

Google loves web pages for the same reason. They want to provide search results that give their customers everything they need without having to follow many links. So do it thoroughly. Before you click 'Publish', ask if there is anything else that can provide your post prospects.

Personally I don't like Wal-Mart. I'd rather like to shop in smaller local stores with small characters. But I like thorough web content, which saves time by providing all the information I need in one place.


All my posts on Income Diary are at least 2,000 words.

It's not because I think it's longer. Sometimes less is more. Seth Godin is one of the most successful bloggers in the world and rarely writes over 300 words. Short posts are easy to read and therefore easy to comment and share.

But short posts don't go well with search engines.

If your post has more than 2,000 words, you're more likely to reach Google's first page. Long posts combine more keywords more often and more. Also, I think search engines contain more information and are more likely to meet the needs of users.

Types of epic posts 

There is no strict format that requires you to adhere to posts to increase your epic and ranking, but you can do this by loosely organizing your templates.

Readers like popular posts because they like top ranking posts that are easy to read. I love listing posts because income diaries are the biggest traffic sources. It's a good idea to write a list post because the format is so simple.
Step-by-step guide

The remaining most successful income diary posts in 2011 were mostly step-by-step guides. Guides create great blog content all the time because they provide tremendous value to readers and are familiar with search engines.

You can format the guide by dividing the process into required steps and then subdividing those steps 
Into sub steps as needed.

The goal of the guide is to make it easy for the reader to complete the task. So the best guide is not particularly long. However, guides can be very epic, especially if you need to guide readers through subtle processes, such as creating a successful kick starter campaign.


Not all topics fit the list or guide.

For example, let's take a look at the recently written “Blogger Profiles,” like an article about Matthew Inman in oatmeal. The goal of this post is to provide an overview of why each top blogger was successful. This is a very broad topic.

To make it easier to digest, we organize each post into four categories: content, traffic, design, and monetization. Then divide each category into three classes. It's not better organized. You can also choose for yourself which area you want to learn.

What to include in your Epic blog post.

Eye candy

The web is full of colorful graphics, high resolution pictures and animated videos. Many audiences require you to pass 2,000 words without eye candy.

Some images go a long way to attract the attention of those who break and skim text. The image can also help to clarify the composition of longer articles. You may already know that there are new images for each new category in this post.

The same is true for video. It only takes a few minutes to search YouTube and insert the video in your post.

Important item

I recently started adding a “read me” bullet to the beginning of every income diary article. This is the last thing I wrote and it only takes a minute, but it does serve some important purposes.

First of all, give the reader a bit of roadmap for the post. You can use a few bullets to instantly know if the content below contains what you want. This is especially important in this long article.

Bullets also give the reader some advantages for reading. In general, the benefit is obvious from the headline or intro, but for some reason there is no reason to get better after arriving at the bottom of the page.

Finally, bullets can be curious. If the bullets are really attractive, they work like cliff hangers at the end of the novel. Readers will be forced to read to satisfy their curiosity.


As an online writer, quotes are best friends. I have never written an article about an income diary without at least one quote, and most of the posts have more than five.

Why do you like to use quotes? Here are three reasons.

Create # 1 block quote space

Block citations are citations that are set apart from the body. like this :

"I always got a quote for everything. Save the original thought."

Dorothy L. Cyrus

Indentation, italics and gray backgrounds make block quotes really visually stand out. Welcome away from the text paragraph.

But block quotes create more than just visual space. They also separate the reader from the text, thus creating a temporal space. The reader may take some time to reflect after reading the block quote. In this way, they serve as a powerful emphasis or turning point in your writing.

But not all quotes need to be block quotes. Sometimes the best way to use quotes is to include them directly in the paragraph text.

# 2 quote is authoritative

The quotation of a speech, article or book is like a rifle in the hands of an infantryman. I talk with authority. ”

Brendan Francis

Good writing establishes authority, and citations provide one way to make writing more authoritative by “borrowing” the native speaker's authority. If you implement a quote from a respected expert, you will believe that it is true because the reader trusts the source.

Part of this trust spreads to the rest of the article. The reader will recognize that you have done some research and that your view is consistent with that of the expert.

# 3 quote is powerful

"A proper quote is like a lamp shining through the sentence."

Retitia Elizabeth Landon

Letitia Elizabeth Landon is a British writer who died in 1838. Why do you repeat her quote here 170 years later?

Because she already said she wants to say better than I can. Her statement about making the quotation so powerful “shines”.

A good quote energizes and influences your writing and injects energy because it reaches the center of the subject. If you don't have these qualities when you think about using it, you probably should not use it.
How to find related citations

Google :

There are numerous quote databases online that hold quotations based on categories and authors. Brainy Quote (Alex a Rank: 1,486) is a good place to start.

To find the two quotes above, I literally typed "quotes for the quote" into Googled and wrote a Brainy Quote.


If you're an avid reader of niche books like blogs, it's a good idea to keep your diary. Every time you read, carry it so you can record it along with the author name and page number when you stumble over a sentence you are winning.

Before writing a blog post, please consult your journal to see if there is a strong wording related to the article.
How to Format a Block Quote for a Blog

When formatting a post in the visual editor, highlight the quote and press "ALT + SHIFT + Q". You can also click on the icon that looks like a quote.

Put together


When I started writing a long article like this one, about thousands of ideas flow through my head as much as possible, including angles, sections and sentences. I need a place to hash and refine all these ideas.

So I start a “draft” Word document that can brainstorm, prewrite, and write all the ideas that come to mind.

Eventually, these ideas begin to form. When that happens, we start a new "final" document and start copying and pasting the fine print in the draft.

Since then I have left both of these documents open. The "draft" document provides a place where you can freely roam around with scattered and creative minds. The "final" document provides a structured place where you can rule in chaos and stone my writing.


The longer the post, the more important the format. Images and quotes help make content easier to digest, but they can't replace titles and subtitles.


If someone expects to sit and read more than 2,000 words, it's up to them to write those 2,000 words well. That means spending a lot of time on what you actually know a lot.

If you want writing advice, check out my article on how to become a better online writer.
Are you ready to access our first page?

Writing valuable, thorough, and epic content is the most important thing you can do to rank in a search engine. But without considering additional optimization techniques, you won't get a competitive keyword.


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